Half Sized Blog Element (Single Author Style)

Half Sized Blog Element (Multi Author Style)

Is fast food bad for you? All you need to know about its nutrition and impacts

The term “fast food” generally refers to food that people intend to consume quickly, either on- or off-site. There is plenty of well-researched evidence demonstrating the various negative health effects of eating and overeating fast food, in both the short- and long-term. Many fast food establishments now list the number of calories each item contains. However, this […]

Cold Versus Flu

What is the difference between a cold and flu? Influenza (flu) and the common cold are both contagious respiratory illnesses, but they are caused by different viruses. Flu is caused by influenza viruses only, whereas the common cold can be caused by a number of different viruses, including rhinoviruses, parainfluenza, and seasonal coronaviruses. Seasonal coronaviruses should not be […]

Is fast food bad for you? All you need to know about its nutrition and impacts

The term “fast food” generally refers to food that people intend to consume quickly, either on- or off-site. There is plenty of well-researched evidence demonstrating the various negative health effects of eating and overeating fast food, in both the short- and long-term. Many fast food establishments now list the number of calories each item contains. However, this […]

Cold Versus Flu

What is the difference between a cold and flu? Influenza (flu) and the common cold are both contagious respiratory illnesses, but they are caused by different viruses. Flu is caused by influenza viruses only, whereas the common cold can be caused by a number of different viruses, including rhinoviruses, parainfluenza, and seasonal coronaviruses. Seasonal coronaviruses should not be […]