Morelia Clinic


What You Can Do to Protect Youth From the Harms of Vaping

Parents and educators—including teachers, administrators, and coaches—can play an important role in protecting youth from e-cigarettes, also known as vapes. As students go back to school, it’s the perfect time to educate them about the…

All signs point to a rise in Covid Covid hospitalizations, deaths and wastewater data — among other indicators — are all increasing as the U.S. heads into fall. Signs in the U.S. continue to point…

What to know about eczema

Eczema is a condition in which patches of skin become inflamed, itchy, cracked, and rough. Some types can also cause blisters. Home remedies and medical treatment can help manage and prevent flares. Different types and…

Healthy Lifestyles

A healthy lifestyle can help you thrive as you move through your life's journey. Making healthy choices isn't always easy – it can be hard to find the time and energy to exercise regularly or…

Mediterranean Lifestyle Can Help Lower Your Risk of Cancer, Early Death

Eating foods associated with the Mediterranean diet has been associated with lower cancer risks.  New research shows that individuals adhering to a “Mediterranean lifestyle” have 29% lower risk of all-cause mortality and 28% lower risk…

High blood sugar may raise heart disease risk even if you don’t have diabetes

People with elevated blood sugar levels may have a 30–50% higher risk of developing heart disease, even if their blood sugar levels are below the diabetes threshold. CFOTO/Future Publishing via Getty Images Researchers found that…

Young People Are Having Less Sex Than Their Parents Did at Their Age, and Researchers Are Exploring Why

Young adults aren’t behaving like their parents: They’re not drinking as much, they’re facing more mental health challenges, and they’re living with their parents longer. On top of that, computer games and social media have…

Alcohol Kills Men More Often, but Women’s Death Rates Are Catching Up

Women are catching up to men when it comes to dying from alcohol abuse, a new study finds. Although men are nearly three times more likely to die from alcohol abuse than women, such deaths…

What to know about bone diseases

Certain conditions or diseases can affect bone strength and flexibility and result in health complications. Bone is a living, growing tissue that mainly consists of collagen and calcium. Bones provide a rigid framework, known as…

Stretch Your Brain as You Age, Lower Your Dementia Risk?

Researchers in Australia found that journaling, using a computer, taking education classes and other "literacy enrichment" activities might lessen the risk of developing dementia by 11%. Playing games, cards or chess and doing crosswords or…